Wednesday, November 6, 2019

First Thanksgiving essays

First Thanksgiving essays Many questions arise when we think about the story of the first Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a national holiday that is celebrated every year. How can we tell that Thanksgiving was first celebrated by the Pilgrims? The Pilgrims did have Thanksgiving after their first year in the colony. However, the tradition was not started by the Pilgrims. Native Americans were the one who celebrate their harvest by having a big feast. There are not many truthful facts about the stories of Pilgrims and their journey to America in history textbook. Textbook tend to have stories that would make the Pilgrims as the first to settle in Massachusetts. Textbooks write stories that would favor the Pilgrims. The reason is because this concept is the easiest concept for children to grasp. Another reason that all textbooks told the wrong truth stories is because of patriotism. As proud American, we all want to teach the next generation our glorious history even if it not true. We want to say that we were the first to settle in Virginia, the first to settle in Massachusetts, and that Columbus was the first to discover America. In a sense, it would be hard to teach the real history to the younger generation. For example, we cant say that Columbus sort of discover America. Columbus wasnt the first to reach America. So why did he goes down in history He was the first to represent Spain on the voyage. Spain, France, and England were the power player at the time. Every country wants to be the first to put their name down for discovery. The story of Pilgrims settle in Massachusetts in 1620 is not so true as it seem in history books. Most textbook state that Puritans come to America to enjoy religious freedom. They fail to mention the fact that they were only about 32 Puritans on board the Mayflower. The real reason for the voyage was probably greed. All the Pilgrims want ...

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